Monday, November 9, 2015

Veterans' Day

Image from Veterans Day | SFMS Tech Apps
     Veterans Day is this week.  Let us all not forget the contributions of our valiant servicemen, who have secured our safety and way of life.  This Veterans Day, I wish to pay special tribute to my great-grandfather.  He is a member of what Tom Brokaw has so perfectly coined "the Greatest Generation."  And he is great!  They just don't make them like this anymore.

     He is 96 years old.  He was born in a bedroom of a farmhouse in lower Michigan.  He is a child of the Depression.  He was one of five sons of Reformed Mennonite parents.  He and his brothers were only allowed to receive education until they reached eighth grade because their parents expected them to help work the farm.  My great-grandfather has always loved to learn, so this was one of his greatest regrets.

     My great-grandfather met the love of his life at a community social and they were married and had a baby.  At this time, World War II had broken out.  He followed the call of his country with three of his brothers despite the fact that his parents were Reformed Mennonites, whom are pacifists.  Reformed Mennonites do not raise their children in their church; they leave it to their child to choose whether or not he or she joins the church in adulthood.  He easily could have avoided the war, as a conscientious objector, because his family was Reformed Mennonite.  But he did the right thing.  He left his wife and newborn son, and ended up fighting the Japanese in Okinawa.  He became the communication officer for his company despite only achieving education up to the eighth grade.  He carried an 80-pound radio on his back in and out of the trenches.  In addition, he received a Purple Heart for injuries suffered in battle.

    He and his brothers were the lucky ones.  They all came back.   Although they all had lingering health effects following their service, they were still alive.  He then went on to work a factory job for forty years, and managed his own farm while not working at the factory.  He joined his family's Reformed Mennonite church and eventually became a minister.  Because of his religious beliefs, he has never had a television, and has never missed having one.  This humble, hard-working man was able to put his own five children through college.  One obtained a PhD, and three obtained Master's degrees.  He too furthered his education.  Although the entire family agrees that he is probably the smartest man we know, he always regretted that he could not finish education.  He went back and gained his GED at the age of 84.

      We hold on to him dearly because all his brothers are gone, his wife is gone, and he is one of the last of the Greatest Generation.  We still have so much to learn from him.  At 96 years old, he's probably the only person I know who doesn't judge and who is truly giving; he is a treasure of a man.  This week he's having gall bladder surgery against the advice of his cardiologist because he doesn't like the diet restrictions he's on.  He says, "I can't eat pumpkin pie and I want to.  So I have to do this because it's a quality-of-life thing."  We pray that his surgery is uneventful.

      Another incredible thing about him is that he still lives on his farm by himself and he still drives!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Cute and Cuddly-or Fierce and Ferocious?

Image from evil cat graphics and comments
     I have two cats.  I love them and am generally pleased that we have them.  I got them when they were kittens...kittens are so adorable and hard to resist.  My family and I house them and treat them well; however, I often sense negativity in them.  One minute I'm rubbing their bellies, and the next minute they turn on me.  I have tons of battle scars that will remain on my arm and forever remind me of them.  Whenever my cats stare at me with wide eyes and thumping tails, I get the sense that their thoughts might be wicked.  They also seem to have an irresistible urge to attack each other, and the screams of a cat fight are very unsettling.  What's even more unsettling is that they're dumb enough to go after our dogs, who are ten times their weight.  Thank goodness our dogs are smart enough not to kill them!  When I read articles about people being mauled by their exotic cats (lions and tigers), I wonder what the heck they were thinking owning such formidable creatures, knowing that the damage that a tiny house cat can inflict.  
     Apparently, my cats' thoughts are a little more wicked than I'd imagined.  Researchers at the University of Edinburgh and the Bronx Zoo found that the behavior of a house cat is very similar to that of a lion.  Check out this link to read more: Your cat may want to kill you, study says.  The finding that cats are neurotic came as no surprise, because I see this behavior in my cats every day.  What is most surprising is that apparently, your house cat might be thinking about killing you!  Now I'm going to look at my cats in a whole new light.  My suspicions about their intentions are apparently well-founded.  You might want to rethink letting your cat into your bedroom while you're sleeping.  If kitty's having a bad day, you never know what might happen! 

Image from Evil Cat Jokes images

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Could You be Deemed Not Worthy by a Computer of the Future?

 Image from Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) •

     One of my favorite movies is Arthur C. Clarke's groundbreaking 2001: A Space Odyssey, filmed in 1968.  If you haven't read the book or seen the movie, there's a computer (HAL9000 as you see above) that was programmed to perform certain functions on a spaceship that a human might, easing the burden on the ship's officers.  Because he had a brain and power of his own, HAL eventually rebelled and then proceeded with an attempt to exterminate the entire staff of the ship, and he virtually succeeded.  This plot may not be entirely fanciful; apparently in this age of advanced technology, Clarke's ideas may have been a premonition.

     Stephen Hawking, the utmost physicist of our times, recently agreed to participate in a question-and-answer session on the topic of artificial intelligence on the Reddit site.  Check out this link to Reddit (Science Ama Series: I am Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist. Join me to talk about making the future of technology more human, reddit. AMA! :   He had some surprising and scary things to say about AI (artificial intelligence).

     Hawking suggests that there is a real reason to worry about the evolution of artificial intelligence.  He discussed how he thought there was a possibility that computers can evolve faster than humans.  If this were to happen, Hawking suggests that such machines may decide independently to destroy what they feel is irrelevant or undesirable.  The ultimate targets could be people.

     I tend to agree with him-giving a brain to such advanced technology could be dangerous.  What populations might these computers target?  Disabled people?  Certain races?  Perhaps it may decide it does not like anyone who does not have blond hair and blue eyes.  It could become like a Hitler made of metal, glass, and silicon chips!  Very scary!

     We have had many enemies throughout the course of history, so let's think twice about the prospect of unintentionally creating more!


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

For the Love of Pumpkins

Image from How to Grow Pumpkins | Planet Natural

     I love pumpkins.  Who doesn't love pumpkins?  You can eat them, you can carve them, you can decorate with them, you can eat their seeds,...  They are just so happy, comforting, orange, and of course, as Linus would say, "sincere."  They are reminiscent of traditions of autumn, Halloween, and Thanksgiving (even Christmas).  I was astonished to read last week that there is a shortage this year.  Check out this link to "The great pumpkin shortage of 2015": The great pumpkin shortage of 2015 - Oct. 9, 2015.  Illinois is the biggest producer of sugar pumpkins, which are the type used for canned pumpkin.  The wet weather has damaged the crop, and this year there has been a shortage of sugar pumpkins.  Based on this information, we are stocking up on canned pumpkin of choice: Libby's Canned Pumpkin.  I would be devastated to go a year without pumpkins!  We use pumpkins for many of our favorite fall treats, the foremost being pumpkin lattes.  Panera's Large Pumpkin Lattes were setting us back $5 a piece; the homemade version is better and a fraction of the cost!

     Here's the Libby's recipe for pumpkin lattes, which we modify practically every time we make it.  Prepare one cup of strong coffee, two-thirds of a cup of Nestle Carnation Evaporated milk, one-third of a cup of Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin, 2 or more teaspoons of granulated sugar (we say more!), one-fourth of McCormick Pumpkin Pie Spice or Ground Cinnamon, one teaspoon of McCormick Pure Vanilla Extract, and, if you'd like, whipped cream (you can also substitute a sugar-free sweetener).  Then pour it all in a blender and liquefy it.  After that, microwave it for 20 seconds.  Then you'll have a nice, tasty refreshment for two.  Check out this link for more information about the recipe: LIBBY’S® Pumpkin Spice Latte | NESTLÉ® Very Best Baking.

       Another one of our favorites is pumpkin rolls.  However, my grammy took the best recipe for this to her grave.  But this one is pretty good: LIBBY'S® Pumpkin Roll | NESTLÉ® Very Best Baking.  Another fall favorite is pumpkin rarebit soup.  We use the Moosewood recipe that this lady posts in her blog: Kate&Co.: Pumpkin Rarebit Soup.  This soup has a very unique flavor, and is extra yummy when topped with whole-wheat croutons or toasted walnuts!

    Dierbergs looks like they still have a lot of canned pumpkin, so I don't know if Libby's is trying to boost their sales by threatening shortage.  But better to be safe than sorry.  Get your canned pumpkin before it is gone!
Image from Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte to return early

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Halloween Fear and Fun!

Image from Cartoon House Spooky » - Stock Photos & Graphics

     Here we are in the month of October.  I, like many others, have traditions for Halloween.  Halloween is the time of year we learn to deal with our fear in fun ways.  A few of my traditions are reading, writing, and watching.  I thought I would share some of my favorite books and movies, and one of my pieces of Halloween literature at the end!

    I'm going to start out with some reading suggestions for adults.  I'll start out with the classics: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  They not only give us a good scare, but also are well-written and have lessons to be learned.  But I also like the more modern versions of horror literature, such as Stephen King's The Shining (better than the movie) and Salem's Lot (also better than than the movie).  I have also always enjoyed reading the works of Edgar Allan Poe, the 1800's master of horror; his poems are spine-tingling and timeless.

   I also have several favorite movies that I re-watch every October, and that I recommend for good scares and good fun. Stephen King is always a favorite; Jack Nicholson is memorably demonic in The Shining, and Children of the Corn has made me look at cornfields in a whole new light.  I'd also suggest The Legend of Hell House because it is traditional and scary, and also because good wins out over evil in the end!  The Exorcist is the scariest of the scariest, and is based on a true story in St. Louis.  Poltergeist is another one that interrupts my sleep and has always made me afraid to look under the bed.

     Let's balance the horror with some fun and laughter!  I'd suggest Zombieland-not only is it hilarious and exciting, but it also features a guest appearance of Bill Murray.  And speaking of Bill Murray, it's always fun to watch Ghostbusters (which is pretty safe for kids).  The Evil Dead movies are a fusion of horror and comedy.  Also, please have some classic comedy with Young Frankenstein.

     Enough with the movies for the adults.  Let's share some of this fun with the kids.  One of the first I would suggest is It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!-who doesn't love that?  My personal favorite kid-friendly Halloween  special is Garfield's Halloween Adventure-it's feelgood and fun for the whole family (I love Garfield)!  I would also suggest Disney's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (not too scary).  The youngest children will really love Barney Halloween Party.

    Some Halloween books that children will love reading (and that I still enjoy) are Monster Museum-it's got really cool drawings and poems about monsters.  Kids will also enjoy Halloween Forest and Room on the Broom.  Growing up, one of my all time favorite paperbacks was In A Dark, Dark Room.

    Writing always helps me dispel my fears.  If I write something scary myself, it lessons the fear I have about other things.  I'm going to subject you to one of these compositions (it's a poem).

I depart from my work, my destination is my home.
I feel so tired, I stumble and groan.
All of a sudden, a black cloud separates from the sky,
and covers me completely, this is no lie.
When it withdraws, I open my eye,
and what is there for it to spy?
Not far off, I see a rusty gate.
I try to open it but find that I am too late.
The moon is not out like it had been,
at the time when
the cloud covered me.
In the sky there is no star.  Black clouds are all I see.
I decide that I must go blindly, it may pay.
I have no candle to light my way.
I start on my path, with nothing else to do.
There seems to be no life here, too.
There is no grass, only black soil is here.
But is darker than the soil at home, so I find fear.
There are no live plants, there are only brown, long-dead weeds,
I know that some good foliage is what the ground needs.
Gravestones are seen everywhere,
the sight pricks up my hair.
I have no idea how I can see these sights,
the moon is not out, but there seem to be strange lights.
All of a sudden I see a shadow moving,
I doubt that it is my own.  The thought is not soothing.
Old brown leaves crunch under my boots,
out of the ground I can see jutting tree roots,
This old churchyard seems miles long.
How will I know if the path I take is wrong?
The skies are misty, very dark gray,
these mists would obscure the rising sun's first ray.
Old twigs lie scattered throughout the ground,
in large numbers their remains abound.
The mist only slightly lifts, but reveals to me
a very old church, rundown, I see.
It is quite far away, but I can still hear
a ghastly bell, which arouses fear.
I cannot understand
who would wish to ring a bell in this wasteland.
I trudge on, and I see
an enormous, dead black oak tree.
The tree has not a single leaf, but my appearance makes me think how
it might be thinking of snatching me right now.
It is just a tree, I reassure myself, what could it do?
If only I knew.
I cautiously pass on by it.
I do not dare to take a minute to sit.
Somewhere a raven caws ominously,
if I only had the old rusty gate's key!
But I have to mention
that I am trapped in this dimension.
I see rats scurrying around a tombstone,
searching for flesh to pick off a bone,
I go on, and find a ditch on the way,
might it have good water?  It may.
I can't resist, I must take a sip,
I must drink more than a single drip.
The water is awful, I will relate.
But I must cause my thirst to abate.
I walk on and am very slow,
I can tell, I know.
All of a sudden, I arrive at a gravestone,
there are no others, it is completely alone.
I see the exit to the gate,
moonlight pours in from outside it, but with no debate,
I have not the key, so here I will remain.
My confidence does wane.
This lone gravestone has no writing, I wonder why,
but soon I am so scared that my throat is again dry.
I see again the looming shadow,
it is huge, reaching from high to low.
All of a sudden, I begin sinking into the earth,
the ground is so cold and wet, I wish I was sitting beside my hearth.
I attempt to lift myself out,
but in my own strength I have doubt.
I land in a coffin with the lid closed tight,
I kick and struggle with all my might.
I have no light,
so my anxiety increases-there is no help in sight.
It is so dark,
I hear a name being scratched on the gravestone,
and I then realize that it must be my own.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Image from Stink bugs - Planet Orange

Image from Stink Bugs Are Active on Fruiting Vegetables | Kentucky Pest News

     Imagine planting a garden in the spring and tending to it all summer.  You're looking forward to your delicious vegetables and pumpkins and squash.  But all of a sudden, unwanted guests pour into your property and eat your produce.  Worse yet, after they have devastated your crops, they attempt to invade your home!  And they really are bugging you!

     The intruders you see in the images above are the very reason my family hasn't planted a garden this year.  These nasty guys are stinkbugs.  The last few years in August and September, stinkbugs have appeared in our yard and tasted our produce before we even had the chance!  They swarm into our yard like a platoon of brown-armored soldiers, and when they have eaten enough plants, they attempt to invade our home.  Their intentions are to reside in our house and avoid the frosts of October and November and the subsequent days of snow.
     Stinkbugs were first seen in the United States in Allentown, Pennsylvania, in 1998.  There's a theory that they were accidentally transported to America on ships from China.  To learn more about stinkbugs and their habits, check out this link: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug — Entomology — Penn State University.  They are an invasive species, and have been causing chaos ever since.  As opposed to many other insects, they cannot be exterminated with regular pesticides.  They also don't have many predators; in my neighborhood one of their only known predators is my family's dog!

     The problem with stinkbugs is that once they get into your home, they cannot be exterminated with normal means.  When they are disturbed or smashed, they are certain to give off an unpleasant odor.  Believe me, you do not want this smell in your house.  One of the best methods for killing stinkbugs in your home is capturing them in a plastic bag and tying the bag shut; they will suffocate.  A second method is to spray them with soapy water and then drop them into a cup of soapy water.  There are commercial traps that supposedly give off pheromones, but I am not sure if these work.  Or you could just borrow my dog!

    I hope you'll find my suggestions useful, because the notorious buggers are out for chaos this time of year!


Saturday, September 19, 2015


Image from What to Do When You Miss a Deadline at Work

DEADLINE!!!  There is something about the combination of the words "dead" and "line" that strikes an ominous sensation, as if a noose was waving over one's head.  Where did such a severe word come from?  History suggests that the word "deadline" originated in the prison at Fort Sumter during the Civil War.  There was a line drawn in the prison grounds which prisoners were totally forbidden to cross.  If prisoners disobeyed the regulation, they were shot dead on the spot.  Check out the link to this story: History Spaces: WHERE DID THE TERM "DEADLINE" ORIGINATE? 

     With the exception of those who impose them, deadlines are most likely universally despised, especially by procrastinators.  Follow the link to a fun quiz: How Bad Of A Procrastinator Are You.  We all have deadlines, whether in work, school, or personal life.  Rather than cursing deadlines, let's learn to manage them with a game plan.  The game plan is simple: complete all tasks before you reach the line of death.  How can you do this?  You need a strategy-just as you do in exercise, dieting, or saving for retirement.
     Here are some great strategies.  Plan on spreading your workload throughout the week, rather than completing assignments in one day.  Schedule your work time and stick to the schedule.  Try holding sessions of work right before your favorite show, so that when you finish it, your show can be your reward.  If you really feel that you have no time to do your work in a day, set your alarm to 30 minutes earlier than you normally would; you'll find that it feels great to get something done before your day has actually begun.  This time can be quite productive with no one else awake to cause distractions.  Try taking your work materials with you whenever you are out of the house and use the time spent waiting at appointments, etc.  to accomplish something.  Accomplishing a little every day leads to big rewards in the end.

     Instead of grumbling about and despising deadlines, please consider that crossing them means that the noose has been tied around your neck.  Finishing tasks after their deadline impacts career advancement, academic records, and credit scores.  Don't let your neck get stuck in the noose.  Do something about it before it arrives.  Get the deadline before it gets you!

Monday, September 14, 2015

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

     "A picture is worth a thousand words." I did not post a picture for the following link because I want people to have the choice of viewing the slide show due to the fact that it is graphic and heartbreaking.  Here is the link: Aylan Kurdi: Photo shows refugee crisis' tiny victim -  The pictures in the link are not just "worth a thousand words," but are representative of more than a million shattered lives.  Unfortunately, pictures like these seem to be necessary to snag people's attention in our country regarding the refugee crisis in Europe.  European nations are being inundated by refugees fleeing the violence in Syria.  Half of the Syrian citizens have now left the borders of their country, fleeing for their lives.  These people have nothing and are seeking asylum and protection for their families, whom at home face oppression and death.  They have come for help, and they want to protect their children.  If you click on the link, you would see that the poor little boy lost his life as the refugees attempted to flee, a very dangerous situation.  Their journey, obviously, was also very risky.  The boy's brother and mother also perished at sea.  Hopefully the crisis has everyone's attention now, because these people need help.  Our country, the United States of America, is one of the richest, most wealthy nations, and we have a long history of helping refugees.  However, we have not yet stepped up with full resources to help the situation; Germany, France, Austria, Italy, and England are doing all they can, but they are overwhelmed.  Now it is our turn.

     Unless you are a Native American and full-blooded, then you are an immigrant as well, whether voluntary or involuntary.  I'd like to remind the readers of the "New Colossus" engraved on the foundation of the Statue of Liberty, which reminds our country how we were founded and what we stand for.  Link: EMMA LAZARUS; FAMOUS POEM :"THE NEW COLOSSUS"

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
-"The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus

     Giving haven to the persecuted is part of what our country stands for.  After the photos in the link were published last week, the Obama Administration has agreed to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees, which is really a drop in the bucket compared to the amount displaced.  Some people will argue that we cannot take care of our own, but I assure you that our own are much better off than the Syrian refugees.  Let's all find charity in our heart and room in our land for these people.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Should the Punishment Fit the Crime?

Image from
     Without exception, every time I'm out for a spin in the car, I always see a driver with his phone in his face.  I usually notice this after his his car veers into my lane!  As of September 1st, 46 states, including my home state of Illinois, have outlawed texting while driving (State Distracted Driving Driving Laws).  I presume that these drivers know very well the law states that texting while driving is illegal.  However, their need to LOL, BFF, and OMG is apparently a greater priority than adhering to laws created to protect the population.  Why is texting while driving illegal?  BECAUSE IT INJURES AND KILLS, DUH-HUH!  Data published by the CDC sums up the casualties of this crime: Every day, 9 people die and 1,153 are injured because of drivers distracted either because of texting or cell (Distracted Driving | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center)!  Even more alarming was an informal study by the Car and Driver Magazine that showed that texting drivers perform even worse than do drunk drivers (Texting While Driving: How Dangerous is it? - Feature - Car and Driver).

The laws created for driving under the influence have pretty serious penalties.  For instance, a DUI conviction results in revocation of driving privileges for a year, suspension of vehicle registration, fines, and community service.  If one does this while transporting a young child, he or she can land himself or herself in prison for six months.  If the offense is repeated, the penalties for any subsequent convictions become more severe.  If people cannot police themselves and "hold their thumbs," perhaps the laws for texting while driving should have punishments similar, if not worse, than those of driving under the influence.  Maybe police checkpoints for texting, in which officers scan mobile devices for texts sent in the last five minutes, should be employed.  I bet license revocation and jail time would deter this inexcusable, unacceptable behavior from those who disrespect the laws meant to protect others.  From my observations, I think that the jails would be full.  I know so!

The message can wait. The population functioned very effectively a decade ago without texting while driving, and they can today.  Nothing that any of us have to message to each other is more important than preserving the lives of other people.

Monday, August 31, 2015

God is in a Box and He's Missing!

Image from
Image from 

     After watching Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Ten Commandments, my thoughts were provoked regarding the current location of the Ark of the Covenant.  I'm dumbfounded-how do you lose God in a box? How could you lose something so important? Perhaps the most valuable treasure chest in eternity, the Ark of the Covenant's location remains unknown.  Here's a little history on the Ark: In the biblical book of Exodus, God and Moses created the two stone tablets for the Ark of the Covenant on Mount Sinai (a mountain in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt).  The chest of acacia and gold was last seen around the time that the ancient kingdoms of Assyria and Babylon pillaged the kingdoms of Israel and Judah (south of Israel), respectively.  Babylon conquered the kingdom of Judah in the year 587 B.C.   From then on, the Ark disappeared without a trace.  
     As with any great mystery, theories abound as to the location of the Ark of the Covenant.  Of all the theories, here are some that I consider the most entertaining. The story of Ron Wyatt (which has essentially been debunked) is the most sensational.  In the 1980s, Ron Wyatt, an amateur archaeologist on vacation, ended up reportedly discovering the Ark.  Supporters of the Wyatt story suspect government conspiracy and cover-up.  The link to Wyatt's website is Wyatt Archaeological Research - Official Site of Ron Wyatt's Discoveries.  

     My personal favorite theory, however, suggests that the Ark is located in Ethiopia, in the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion.  The church claims to be the keeper of the Ark.  One monk is chosen as its guardian for life, and he alone has access.  Imagine how this man might fill his time.  Do you think God talks to him from inside the Ark? (The Bible states that God talked to Moses from between the two cherubs on the top of the ark).  The guardian has denied ever viewing the box (the Ark is behind a veil), but with nothing better to do than to watch it, what are the chances that he has actually peeked?  Or do you think that he's worried his face will melt if he does? Perhaps the church should consider hiring more protection, because a group of thieves could easily overpower the lone guardian (and Isis is on the move).  If the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion actually does have the Ark, I think they should bring it out and charge people money to see it, with the profits going to charity.  Don't you think God would approve?  Find out more about this story on Advice From the Guardian of the Ark of the Covenant.  

       Remember to check your basements, attics, and storage sheds because you never know what treasures you might find!  But think twice before opening a wooden chest adorned with gold with two cherubs on the lid! 
Image from